Home » 10 New Year’s Resolutions Every Business Leader Should Have For 2020

10 New Year’s Resolutions Every Business Leader Should Have For 2020

by BNI India

Instead of going with the cliche “new year, new me” philosophy, how about enhancing the current version of yourself instead? This works for businesses too. A new year comes with its own opportunities; the best you can do from your side to be prepared is to embrace them and leverage them optimally. As you step into 2020, here are some resolutions you can set as a business leader.

  • Tell your mobile device who the real boss is: In an era dominated by gadgets, technology thrives to ensure you stay connected to the things that matter to you wherever you are and pretty much round the clock. While this comes with a host of advantages, it can impact you in a negative way too. For instance, it’s good to have 24×7 access to your email – this is a good thing. It only turns bad when you don’t know when to peel off work. This is why your resolution should be to become the master of your device and not the other way around.
  • Master the art of communicating rejection: Many people firmly believe in the misconception that a business professional must always say ‘yes’ to all opportunities, no matter what. However, it would be in your best interest to filter out the ones that may affect the work culture of your company, which inturn may impact the job satisfaction levels at your enterprise. This is why every leader should not only know when to say no, but also know how to say no. Remember, turning down something doesn’t mean you’re slacking.
  • Uphold goodwill and gratitude more than ever before: In business and in general, nothing is as valuable as trust and faith in someone. If you’re leading a team of trusted leaders and doers, make sure you take every opportunity to nurture this special relationship. Numbers come and go, but solid relationships, if not nurtured, may never last. 
  • Don’t let technology dependency slacken your keen edge : The digital age is governed by calendar invites, reminders and what not. Of course, these are necessary because a human being can only retain a set amount of things at one time. However, don’t let this dependency render you helpless if you were to imagine a day without it. Whenever you take time off work, try and exercise your brain with activities that will test your memory power. Add more stimulating hobbies to your satchel; it’ll really invigorate you when you step back into your work shoes.
  • Contemporize by the minute: The modern generation looks up to leaders who are not only able to steer their business in the right direction but also know how to change their ship according to the changing tides (times, rather). Your business is an extension of your personality, so as a leader, it is you who can bring about change that can liberate professionals from the shackles of conventional work culture. Embrace newness and make it a conscious part of your year to add new and interesting elements that are in tune with the ever-changing society we see today. 
  • Give your dormant goals some life through a vision Board: Visualising your goals should be on your resolution list, and a vision board will help do just that. A vision board lists out one’s goals and serves as a reminder.The human brain has a strong visual memory, we’re likely to remember things we see rather than those that we hear and the vision board is primarily based on this fact. With it by your side, you’ll be motivated to push deadlines and even mountains maybe! 
  • Dare to challenge conformity: Give the ‘this is the way things happen here’ a break and let go! Make something new happen for yourself and your company by taking the road never taken. Inspire rather than inform, create meeting environments that encourage different thinking, sharing of different experiences. Every time you break free from conformity you give yourself and your team a chance at something new!
  • Head out more often: You can never what a walk down the road or a have a dinner with your spouse without being inspired in some way or the other. There’s nothing that some fresh air can’t cure. Make the time and effort to socialise outside your workplace, with people who aren’t related to your job in anyway. You stay calm, grounded and inspired!
  • Add more to your hobbies list: It’s time to wade through unknown waters when it comes to hobbies too. What is it that you’ve not explored, cooking, hiking or painting? Whatever it is, go all out and give it a try. Who knows you might end up liking it or even mastering it! Remember, it’s these hobbies that will ensure you have a fulfilling and enriching retirement. They also nudge you to go places in your body and mind.
  • Include your family and employees in your personal and professional vision: There’s an african proverb which says “if you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”. Your families and your team will care for your vision as much as you do if they feel they’re a part of it.

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