Home » The 4 BIG Bs Of Business

The 4 BIG Bs Of Business

by BNI India

The daily grind gets to us so much, that sometimes we are caught in this intense existential wave, “who am i”, “what am I doing”. Such introspections are definitely important’ even so there are  4 defining aspects that will constantly enhance awareness about your happenings, actions & thoughts.

The brain, body, brand & business model.

Brain: Time and again take time out to think about the past & latest business decisions you made, their impact, past achievements & past struggles, about your inspirations & your mentors, about the main objective or intention of doing this business. It will help you gain more clarity about your work.

Body: A healthy body fuels a healthy mind. So, what are you waiting for? Start your day with a walk, jog or any workout which refreshes you and keeps your energy intact for the rest of your busy day. Exercise also streamlines your breathing and keeps your energy throughout the day. Your skin glows, your body is in shape and overall you feel good; a positive mind always helps in business.

Brand: Personal branding took off in a big way with social media giants like Facebook & Twitter becoming new-age canvasses for our varied expressions & ideas. Keep updating your profile on Linkedin, you will not only attract business but genuine followers for whom your opinions or interests really matter. Be a likable brand on social media; your positive visibility will get extended to your business too.

Business Model: An idea’s workability is directly proportional to its relevance. Make sure your service/product is needed in the market. Your business model must target the right demographics and must feel the pulse of the populous. For eg, many businesses are developing apps for their companies; mobile platforms are ever-increasing and so to neglect their power will be sheer ignorance. Whatever you want to do with your business can only translated to the people through an apt  & approachable business model.

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