Home » 4 Useful Tips That Make Business Funding For Women Less-Stressful

4 Useful Tips That Make Business Funding For Women Less-Stressful

by BNI India

The International Women’s Day theme is #BalanceforBetter and in lieu of that this blog brings you 4 awesome tips that make funding for potential businesswomen easy & fair!

It’s not a secret that women have always found it tougher to fund their business ideas than men. Is there a trust issue when it comes to women and career? Is it because most of the big donors are men? Or is that women find it difficult to pitch?

One cannot pinpoint the exact causes behind the challenges that women face but the tips below will help women pitch their business ideas in a much more convincing way.

1-Your idea should have a story behind it. Personalise your pitch, by telling investors more about your passion, how this idea resonates with your life,  what are you actually trying to do for yourself or the community etc. Such points will reflect strong intent and investors are looking for just that. Stronger the intent stronger the possibility of it being a success.

2-Your credibility matters. Especially if yours is a project that’s looking at big capital, the investors need to believe that you and your team have the capacity, the required skills & experience for the business. They’ll have certain expectations and you have to have a solid team to meet them.

3-Use the best of apps and tools to make your presentation or reports accessible & transparent. Investors will need the nitty gritty of your budget. They’ll be assessing it with a microscopic eye and tools like Xero & Expensify will just organise your accounts in the best way possible.

4-And last but the least, a good credit score is mandatory for people to invest in you. It will be better to have and use a business credit card instead of your personal one. It’s more professional and speaks volumes about your commitment to your business.

Women have come a long way and are active in different professions. There is a new story every second about women breaking the glass ceiling. They are slowly resisting the shackles of patriarchy and fighting for equal rights, equal pay and equal opportunities. So, women go out there and believe in yourself and the world will believe in you!


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