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5 Guidelines to Becoming a Better Conversationalist

by BNI India

The art of conversation has been lost in today’s world where smartphones and apps like WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter etc have taken over as the new medium of conversation.  People don’t seem to have the time to talk to each other like they used to, in most public places or group events you find people glued to their phones rather than talking to each other. The importance of personal face-to face conversations in eliminating this disconnect among people and building better relationships should never be underestimated. 

Face-to-face conversations play an equally important role in the business world as well. There are numerous events like conferences, seminars, expositions etc which facilitate face-to-face meetings. It is the best way to get to meet and build business relationships with people from either the local, national or international business community.  Now the question arises as to how to go about engaging in meaningful conversations during such events. Let us look at a few guidelines you can follow to become a better conversationalist: 

  • Be a Good Listener – There is a lot you can learn about the person you are having a conversation with by just listening to them.  Being a good listener is truly an art, and it is something that can be honed with time and dedication. Sometimes you may be tempted to cut the other person off with an anecdote of your own, it is a very natural human tendency to do so, however curb that instinct and let the other person finish what they are saying. Over the course of time you will find yourself less inclined to talk and more genuinely interested in what the other person has to say, also by being a good listener you make the other person feel truly valued. 
  • Being in the Moment – An extension of being a good listener is also being in control of your thoughts. Being centered in the moment means not re-living the events of the day or running through the key points for your business meeting the next day in your mind.  For once we get caught up in our own thoughts we miss the opportunity to make a real time connect with the other person.    
  • The Right Body Language – Your body language is a clear indication of how invested you are in the conversation. Checking your mobile in the middle of a conversation, looking over the shoulder of the person speaking to you, not making eye contact etc gives out the impression that you are not really interested in what the other person has to say. So ensure you always make eye contact when listening or talking to anyone and don’t let your attention wander.
  • Topics to Avoid – There are certain topics to avoid as part of a business event conversation. In addition to politics and religion the other topics to avoid would be finances, health issues, relationship status etc. 
  • Be Yourself – It is also important to be yourself whenever you are in conversation at any business event. You will be building long term business relationships with a lot of the people you meet at these events. So it is important that you start as you mean to go on. Beyond making an extra effort to be more sociable, just be yourself. If you are genuine and warm in your interactions with people, they will definitely respond with the same level of warmth. 

While these general guidelines will help you become a better conversationalist, the most important point to remember is to just relax and enjoy the personal connect you get to make with people in your business community.

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