by BNI India

Procrastination is a word that gets a lot of flak. In fact, if you Googled ‘procrastination’ right now, almost every search result would be an article telling you how you can overcome it. People who procrastinate usually beat themselves up over it – assuming they just don’t have the willpower, discipline or self-control to do things right away. The general consensus seems to be that we should do whatever needs to be done – and do it now – even if doing it makes you feel stressed, frustrated, and like you’re failing by not giving 100%.

What most people fail to realize, however, is that sometimes procrastinating can be exactly what you need to do at that moment. Sometimes, waiting for inspiration to hit is how you produce your best work. There is no one-size-fits-all timeline for accomplishing what you need to accomplish; and if you use procrastination as a tool to help you recharge, then you can turn procrastination into an asset that can even double your effectiveness.

Here’s how:

Procrastinate Guilt-free

First things first, if you’re going to procrastinate effectively, you have to do it guilt-free. Telling yourself that you’re a lazy or bad person for doing it will not relax you, or benefit you in any way. Don’t obsess over the task you’re putting off till later. Instead, focus your efforts on doing something else that’s useful.

Give it 100%

This goes for whatever you’re doing while you’re procrastinating. Whether you’re doing something productive, or just kicking back and having a good time, throw yourself into the task or activity. Spending that time thinking and worrying about what you’re not doing takes the effectiveness (and joy) right out of procrastinating!

Make the Choice

Change procrastination from something that sneaks up on you, to a choice that you are consciously making. Instead of putting the task off for a few more minutes at a time, decide consciously to put it off till later. This small change puts you in a better position; a position in which you are in control, and using procrastination as a tool that will serve you.

Ask Why

We procrastinate for many different reasons, but whichever reason it is, take the time to figure it out. Are you procrastinating because you’re waiting for inspiration, or because you really hate the task? If you’re routinely stuck doing tasks you hate, it may be time to rethink your job or lifestyle. At times we put a task off because subconsciously we know the task is irrelevant or unnecessary. Sometimes we procrastinate just to have some time relax and recharge, and that’s ok too. Whatever your reason is, know that reason.

Be Responsible

If you know you’re not going to be able to finish a task right away, or on time, pass that information on to anyone that it affects. Procrastination is not effective if it’s inconveniencing someone else. Be honest about what you can commit to and accept responsibility for it.

In Closing

Remember that procrastination can either make you more, or less effective, depending on how you use it. Choose to use it as a tool that will propel you to greater success!

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