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Good Friendships Make Success Easy!

by BNI India

The adage, ‘you are known by the company you keep’ is quite commonly used but often taken for granted; mainly because we want to believe we made the right decision by choosing a particular friend; we live in denial. After family, friends are the closest relationships one has and they influence one in a big way. Right from school, college & at the workplace they can either drive you to go beyond your achievements and strive for more or they can make you complacent & induce a laid-back attitude in you.

So, whose friendship will help you and your business journey?

  • Great achievers- since they will push you to achieve too. It could be true, they could serve as great motivators.
  • people with experience and resources – they act as great business advisors.
  • People who are in the same business as your: Build your network with people who share the same opportunities & challenges as you. It will make for great shared knowledge.

Apart from the above kinds of friends, there is one of kind of friendship that will never fail-the true kind. Irrespective of the work they do, the resources they have or the success they have achieved they will always support you in your endeavour.

They will always have your interests in mind & heart.

Finding and sustaining such friendships is challenging but definitely worth it.

A great friendship is the secret to your success! So, choose wisely!

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