Delegation is a tricky but very necessary step for leaders to take. It is one of the best ways to organise your work, manage your time & prioritise your activities. But as much as delegation can be of help, it can also end up being a nuisance.
So, here are some tips which will ensure successful delegation.
- Communication is key. You need to make them understand what they need to do and how they need to do it. Make sure there is clarity in the way you inform them about their role. Have as many meetings as necessary and allow no room for any misunderstanding.
- Engage with them in a trustworthy environment. Ensure that you will be there to support when needed. Delegation requires an environment which builds trust and encourages new ideas too. Let them not be under any pressure, and give them the freedom to execute the tasks in their own way.
- Avoid micromanaging. Helping and supporting them doesn’t mean interfering in their work. One should learn to let go and be open to innovation & newness in any form.
- Be careful & precise especially when dealing with financial information or budget-related issues. Money is a delicate matter and one must make sure that the person is trained and able enough to work with finances.
Delegation is not easy for control-freak leaders but once they begin to let go they will realise how much more time they have on their hands to focus on matters that need their attention.
Also, they make better leaders by delegating; they infuse positivity & trust in the workplace. Employees are much more happy & productive under such leaders. Delegation in many ways is a sign of good leadership.