Home » Why Face to Face Networking Scores Over Technology

Why Face to Face Networking Scores Over Technology

by BNI India

Face to face networking involves spending time talking about things other than business. Family, individual interests, passions etc and so business with each other becomes easy going & less stressful. Online networking remits the possibilities of such bonding; because when people go online they are much more eager to start & BNI is the living example of successful community building, honourable & sustainable business relationships and most importantly, the value of face-to-face networking.

 The Internet may have made the world smaller but there are still some things which it cannot replace, like the charm of shaking hands, a memorable hug and meaningful eye contact. All this takes the relationship a notch higher.

There is also more chance to meet other referrals at networking meetings or events. Online networking doesn’t help serve this purpose. There is more clarity and accountability when it comes to meeting someone upfront, you can’t use technical glitch as an excuse for any misunderstandings.

You get a better understanding of people’s personalities. The better you understand people the better you can work & connect based on your intuition rather than half-baked knowledge or manipulation.There is an abundance of and ever-evolving technology that can make networking possible across seas, but there is only one way to make sure it is networking that will sustain crises, fortify trust & pave the way for a profitable & successful professional & personal relationship.


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