Home » What Small Business Owners can Learn from Top Forbes Entrepreneurs

What Small Business Owners can Learn from Top Forbes Entrepreneurs

by BNI India

The journey of an entrepreneur can be an uncertain one, with various highs & lows, successes & failures. Thinking about every factor you need to consider when starting out as an entrepreneur can be overwhelming, and you might not know what to focus on. Here are 3 things small business owners can learn from the success stories of top Forbes entrepreneurs.

Adding Value

Entrepreneurs may spend a lot of time carefully considering the price range of their product or service – and with so many factors to take into consideration; it’s an important decision to be made. But what entrepreneurs should be focusing on is adding value to their client within that price. Your prices may be higher than your competitors, but if what you’re offering is a better experience, your customers won’t balk at it. Focus less on your price, and more on what you are providing to your clients.  

Focus on the Details

With so much of business marketing and advertising being carried out on social media, it can be easy to let the little things slide when it comes to written communication. It’s important to remember that a bad first impression can lose you a client – and details such as proper spelling, grammar, punctuation & language do matter a great deal. Abiding by these rules shows professionalism, while a lack of them can turn off your customers before you have a chance to gain them.

Stay True

Your brand story is what customers connect with, and is what gives you your edge and niche. Once you’ve established a brand story, stick to it. Any marketing, advertising, or promotion of your product or service should embody the spirit of your brand. Going ahead with a marketing idea that does not embody your brand can effectively ruin your brand image & lose you customers.  

In Closing

Whether you’re launching an innovative new app or opening a small business locally, these factors are equally crucial to your success. It’s vital to build your business on strong foundations, no matter what your future vision for it is. These tips from top Forbes entrepreneurs can help other entrepreneurs start off on a firm foundation that will help amplify their success.


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