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How to Create Your Success Plan

by BNI India

Most of us start the New Year, a new month, or even a new day with a determination that we will push ourselves to succeed; that we will not procrastinate, allow ourselves to be distracted or deterred, and that we will achieve what we set out to do.

However, there’s a reason why so many of our best intentions end up as just that and nothing more. There is a bridge between where we are and where we want to be, and that bridge is often preparation.

Preparation is an essential, but often missing element, before taking on any big challenge. Sports players will spend hours observing their opponent, looking for their weaknesses and making a plan for how to exploit those weaknesses.  They practice hard and strengthen their weak spots – they are prepared. 

Most of us probably had a plan at the start of 2019, but how far along are we to fulfilling that plan? There are important factors to take into consideration if you want to create a truly effective plan for success. 

Incorporate Personal Development into Your Life

We all want to grow and develop in our personal lives, but when it isn’t a priority; we can tend to procrastinate indefinitely. Planning for success means discovering how you can incorporate that personal growth into your daily routine, with practical steps that will help you make a lasting change. 

Set the Right Goals  

When we set goals for ourselves, it gives us something specific to work towards, which is always more effective than just aiming in a general direction. The right goals push us forward and provide us with the personal motivation to keep moving, even when everything seems to be against us.

Leaving a Legacy

Your legacy is what you leave behind, but the choices you make today are what decide what that legacy will be. The areas of your life that you are focusing on right now are paving the way for how you will be remembered; so when writing the success story of your future, take time to decide what you want to be remembered for. 




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