We’ve all heard the saying “actions speak louder than words”, and the same is true for our body language. Dr. Albert Mehrabian breaks down our communication into 7% spoken words, 38% tone of …
BNI India
Have an idea? You’ve got that drive & passion to start something new? Well, passion is good but not really enough. There are many potential entrepreneurs who have great ideas, …
We don’t know it, but we’re always pitching something or the other at some time or the other. When you suggest a restaurant for lunch or a movie, even when …
Cash crunch putting your resources in a bunch? Get started on these insider tips for healthy cash flow. Delayed payments can really set you back and most of the time …
If someone were to ask what you thought were vital leadership skills to possess, many of us would name common traits, such as confidence, accountability or communication. Not many of …
Hard work is one of the major driving forces behind every successful entrepreneur – it’s what makes it possible for them to produce the results that are their goals, raise …
Business is a competitive domain and every company is looking to stay ahead of the game. Some of the sacrosanct ways that have helped companies across industries to stay on …
I joined BNI Invincible with much positive energy because I knew about BNI. But how to use tools of BNI for my growth and business was the real goal to …
How Can A Diverse Workforce Help Employees Develop To Their Fullest Potential
We always talk about employees developing to their fullest potential, holistic development, happiness quotients-which are all great parameters for any company to aim for. But where many companies often fail …
What Small Business Owners can Learn from Top Forbes Entrepreneurs
The journey of an entrepreneur can be an uncertain one, with various highs & lows, successes & failures. Thinking about every factor you need to consider when starting out as …