The life of an entrepreneur is hard. The first years of launching your business and making it successful can take a toll on your personal life. When you spend your …
BNI India
It’s no secret that social networking sites today act as a marketing and business platform, while being indispensible to smaller businesses. Apart from being inexpensive compared to traditional marketing and …
I met someone recently who said she’s been having a hard time building her network because people can’t seem to understand or relate to her business. I asked her why she thought …
Over the years I’ve recognized that there are some people who are positive and supportive individuals that I really want to be around. They are solutions focused relating to most …
I used to hate the expression: “Elevator Pitch” − it just drove me crazy. But everybody is using it all over the world, so I now give up − I’m …
People often ask me, “how can I stay in touch with people or get back in touch with people that I haven’t seen or spoken with recently?” Start by making …
Do things happen by themselves? Are you a fatalist who believes that fate decides the outcome of every action in this world? Well, things are not programmed to happen by …
When networking, it’s important to remember the basics of interpersonal communication–making eye contact, listening more than you speak, and of course, actually remembering people’s names. Yeah, I’d say remembering someone’s …
Who is a smart entrepreneur? Who is an entrepreneur and who is a SMART entrepreneur? If you always thought, to be an entrepreneur one needed to be smart, among many …
Ask 10 entrepreneurs about the vital characteristics that great leaders possess, and more than likely you will receive 20 different answers. With thousands of books on leadership and countless more articles, there …