If you are an entrepreneur, it’s not enough to just be good at your job. You should also have a host of other skills that differentiate a leader from a …
BNI India
The Golden Circle of Business – the Bull’s Eye – the What, the How and the WHY!
At a recent networking event, how did you introduce yourself? Most of us use this format – name, company name, what do we do and seasoned networkers will go a …
Busting Networking Myths to Understand What Real Networking is All About
Keeping in step with the spirit of networking, let’s bust a few networking myths and break free and move towards the truths behind networking. Truth or Delusion? If you provide …
Whether you’re self employed or you work for someone else, it is definitely worth your time to start looking for networking groups that can refer you new business. If you …
Too many people succumb to the mistaken belief that the ability to connect with others is a natural, unteachable trait that belongs to only a lucky few. It’s easy to …
Are First Impressions the Lasting Impressions? The opinion is neatly divided between yays and nays on the power of first impressions. A first impression is a mental map one forms …
The Philosophy: ‘What goes around comes around’ is a notion that has been doing the rounds for years. It is a powerful idea that reinforces the belief that if you …
Networking 101: For Extroverts, Introverts and the Socially Conscious
While it’s true that networking isn’t for everyone, anybody can become good at it. Extroverts are known to be extremely social and often become the center of attention whereas introverts …
We are already into the sixth month in 2016! Wow! Time does fly, doesn’t it? While the year began for most of us on a high note of goals and …
The number of referrals you should expect to receive is dependent on the type of business you’re in and the effort you exert to develop your network. Some professions receive …