One of the essentials that figure in an entrepreneur’s schedule is attending networking meetings, developing new contacts and maintaining and strengthening relationships with existing ones. At one of the National …
BNI India
How often do you hit a slump in productivity? Worse, how often do you know what you should be doing, but then fail to do it regardless? It happens to …
Established business owners often hit a point where they don’t think that they need to continue improving themselves or their businesses. Even if you have thus far been successful, it …
In India with most BNI chapters aiming to go platinum, and those that are already at platinum going to titanium and even centennium, it has become more imperative than ever …
Of the plenty of businesses that thrive today, there is unlimited competition in every field. Add to this the dynamic economic weather conditions that entrepreneurs face, one cannot deny that …
Networking is all about relationships. Relationships are built on credibility. And credibility building takes time. Do you have an idea that can catapult you in that direction? Help you build …
This is the most incredible VCP story I’ve ever heard! It shows how relationship networking is changing lives across the globe. (For those of you who aren’t familiar with the principle, …
There are several people who contribute to our journey towards excellence, growth and success. Some people become part of our journey, to benefit from it themselves and some willingly share …
Spot light on and an audience of business people waits to listen to you. In that still moment all you can listen to is your heart pounding against your ribs. …
Celebrity or top brand posts, tweets and videos hog all the limelight in the digital space. Be it an Obama hugging Michel picture or tweet, or a Gangnam style video. …