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Become a Well Rounded Entrepreneur

by BNI India

Start-ups have taken the business world by storm in the last 10 years. New innovations, diverse job profiles, flexible organisational structures – all characterise start-ups. With the internet conquering every bit of our imagination, entrepreneurship is reaching a new high. But well-rounded entrepreneurs have a competitive edge. Well-rounded entrepreneurs engage with their business more holistically, work towards increasing their professional credibility in order to make the best of their resources and invest their time into learning more.

Here are some things one needs to work on to become a well-rounded entrepreneur:

Online Education: Apart from your school & college education, universities have started conducting online courses for very specific & niche topics which many times are overshadowed in school or college curriculum. These courses, which are very interactive in nature and give you an opportunity to study with people across the world, will not only help you in the current status of your business but will also open your mind to more possibilities for the future of your possibilities.

Podcasts Serve as Great Digital Mentors: Podcasts carrying interviews of very influential and inspiring personalities will serve as great knowledge centers for you. A lot of foundations offer in-depth talks & conferences which host people who you aspire to be or learn from. These podcasts can change your way of thinking!

Read More Books: Apart from digital wisdom booths like podcasts, our classic wisdom-givers -Books will never get old. Apart from your local bookstore, portals like Amazon have made this world boundaryless and given you access to authors spread across the length & breadth of the world! So knock yourself out and absorb as much as you want from your favorite author.

Have a Plan: Whether you are starting out to become an entrepreneur or as an entrepreneur you are starting out to introduce something new in your business, you will always need a plan. A plan that carries your goals, timelines for your goals, how you plan to execute them and the estimated result of achieving or not achieving that goal. It might sound very prudish but it is the only way you will have clarity and will have a focused drive which enables you to pursue those goals. Your colleagues or employees too will acknowledge the clarity you have and work with conviction to achieve those goals.

Travel: Seeing new places and meeting new people will always trigger something new and help you build new and different perspectives. Change of scene in a busy entrepreneur’s life may be difficult but isn’t impossible, in fact, he/she should make a conscious effort to make it possible. A breath of fresh air will prepare you to tackle the same problems in a different & perhaps more effective manner. You start seeing things you never saw before. Travel also instills in you an energy & confidence with which you perceive your work in a different way.

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