Home » Business Trip on the Cards? Here’s What You Should Remember to pack!

Business Trip on the Cards? Here’s What You Should Remember to pack!

by BNI India

As entrepreneurs there are several occasions in the year that make travelling necessary; to meet a client, speak to a group of people, participate in a conference, trade meets and so on. Missing out on some important items in your travel bag can cost you business and sometimes your reputation too.

Sharing a list with you, that may help you get organized:

Business cards – Carry these in plenty, because you never know how many people you will meet during your travel. You don’t want to be caught in a situation of “I’ve exhausted my cards”.

Referral partner cards – Seasoned networkers always remember to carry their referral partners’ business cards as well. While meeting a prospective connect, they are ready to share their referral partner’s card to make the connection meaningful and timely.

Memory stick – Although you may carry prints of your catalogues and presentation, it may be handy to carry the same on a stick too, to ensure that you can easily share the digital format if someone you meet prefers it, for future references or to pass it on to his contacts.

Wires – Remember to carry your phone chargers, laptop cords, projector cords if you need – and make sure all your gadgets are fully charged the night before to give you a smooth run the following day.

Dress  appropriately – With weather forecast just a click away, may be wise to pack your clothes accordingly to keep you comfortable through your travel. Remember to carry an extra pair of clothes, because you never know, if you may need to extend your stay or attend a formal dinner that you suddenly get invited to. Always be prepared.

Lapel pin – Treat this as your second skin wherever you go. It can be a conversation starter in an elevator or at the airport lounge – just about any place where you are likely to encounter new faces. You never know where your next referral is coming from!

Pens – Carry extra pens on you, to make relevant notes at the meeting. If you are going to meet several people, it may be a good idea to write a few points on their visiting cards that will help you connect with them later.

Mints – A handy pack of mints can help you avoid an embarrassing moment of foul breath while networking after lunch or coffee, keeping your breath fresh and confident.

Book – Never ever leave home without a book. All the airport transit times, layovers, flight delays, travel time can be stressful if all you end up doing is twiddling your thumbs and getting stressed for no reason. Reading a book is an interesting way to fill those empty hours with meaningful knowledge building and keeping you calm and in good temper.

So the next time you travel, make sure you use this check list to help you carry all the necessary items to make your stay smooth and pleasurable.

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