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What Can You Expect From Generation Z As Employees

by BNI India

Young, dynamic, casually dressed, tech-obsessed, job-hoppers-these are the terms frequently used to describe millennials. Contrary to the negative stereotypes they were subjected to by the older generations, the Millennials proved to be high achievers; 80% of all managerial positions are held by them. But, now is the time for Generation Z. Well, if you thought Millennials were tech-obsessed, think again! The generation Z is a generally born with smartphones in their hands, if the Millennials, worked towards achieving better and greater access to technology, Generation Zs are interested in upgrading the current technology. Precautionary Warning!: Their tech savviness will be hard to control.

So how is to have tech maniacs as employees?

If Millenials are going to head the generation Z employees in your company, then there isn’t going to be much of a problem; as opposed to if senior employees are dealing with them. Millennials and the Generation Z agree on many things like work ethics, philosophy value systems etc. So managing them won’t be that difficult.

Companies will need to adapt to a new work culture brought by the generation Z which is primarily centred around the digital world. A digital workplace that constantly adapts to changes with respect to mobile devices, social media tools, software etc. So, don’t try and make a small thing like work tracking and scheduling a big deal by facilitating long & dreary meetings, (you’ll just find The Z people yawning!) instead invest in collaboration tools which save time, effort & a couple of yawns at the office!

Digitizing the workplace doesn’t diminish the value of much needed professional skills & instincts. Things like critical thinking or giving/ receiving constructive feedback are skills that Generation Z are not taught and so don’t expect them to come with them. In fact, Millennial mentors will prove to be strong guiding lights in this aspect.

All in all, a great tip would be to embrace them as they are and what they bring to the workplace. Prep up to enlighten yourself & the company with the technology wave-this is the big bonus of working with Generation Z-they really set the bar high when it comes to technology and what better way to grow, especially when the world is becoming digital inch by inch.


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