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Guidelines to keep in Mind when Making Crucial Business Decisions

by BNI India

Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision. – Peter Drucker

As a business leader you will be required to make numerous decisions over the course of a day. Of these most of them would be routine decisions related to the daily functioning of the organisation which does not require any in depth analysis and can be made as a matter of routine by you. However every once in a while crucial issues crop up which require a more nuanced and well thought out approach. As a leader you will be well equipped to make these crucial decisions for your organisation, however there are certain pointers which can help guide you through the decision making process. 

Take a Step Back

When faced with a crucial decision it is important to take a step back and put things in perspective in relation to the larger picture (the long term benefit for the organisation). This will give you a moment to reflect, objectively assess and analyse the situation and then take the first step forward in making an informed decision.

Based on Data Analysis

An integral part of objectively assessing the situation is doing a detailed analysis of the relevant business data. Effective data analysis using current data will provide a sound objective information base for further discussions. 

Discussion is Key

Once the results of the data analysis are on the table, it is time to bring in the relevant stakeholders and get their expert opinion. Having a brainstorming session will enable you to see the situation from a new perspective, it will also throw up some unique out of the box solutions which can be successfully applied.

Informed Decision

Once you have all the relevant facts and options before you, you can make an informed decision taking into account your own expert analysis and opinion. There will always be an element of risk associated with any crucial decision, but once you have done your homework and made a decision then you should always keep in mind that it was the best decision you could make under the circumstances and never regret it.

As the quote by Peter Drucker says, it is your courageous calculated risk which can lead to a major breakthrough for your organisation.

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