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How to Build Strong Relationships with Clients

by BNI India


All businesses depend on their clients for survival. A lot of energy is usually spent on developing new clients to grow the business. But it is also important to hold on to your existing clients – for repeat business, and because they are the ones who can refer you to others and send more business your way. And the only way this can happen is if you build a strong relationship with your client.


Communication is the key to any long lasting relationship, and it holds true even in client relationships. Effective and straightforward communication about expectations and also problems, if any, will minimise potential conflict and help to keep you and your client on the same page. Regular communication will also demonstrate your interest in your client’s satisfaction and will not go unappreciated.

Regular Feedback Mechanism

Put in place a feedback mechanism whereby your client can convey to you their thoughts and experiences about your business and service at regular intervals. This can help in giving you a chance to correct things if there are any problems coming up, before the client reaches a stage of deciding to break things off with you. It will also help you streamline similar problems for other clients, get an idea of what is happening in areas you might not be looking into daily, and come up with ways in which you can offer better service to all your clients.

Clients are people not just profits

Always remember that while clients represent your profits, they are people first. Treating them as individuals rather than just the means to bettering your numbers can go a long way to creating a good mutually beneficial relationship.

Confidence in your Expertise

Your client comes to you for what you offer. Have the confidence in your capacity and it will reflect in your client. They need to be able to trust you and what you will bring to the table. Use your knowledge to offer tips for improving the client’s business or life. At the same time, do not only tell the client what you think they might want to hear. Being agreeable at the cost of your professional opinion will only be damaging in the long term.

Concentrate on Delivery

Strong relationships are beneficial, but they cannot be a substitute for good work. Always make reasonable promises and make sure you deliver what you promised. Better yet, exceed your client’s expectations and that will definitely have them coming back for more.   


Solid long-lasting relationships take some work, but investing that time and effort can be vital to your success. Client relationships are the foundation of a business, so follow these tips and make that foundation as strong as can be.

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