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Is Business Networking a Reliable Way for Growing Your Business? How?

by BNI India
is business networking reliable for growth

Did you know that business networking is currently considered the most effective way of achieving career growth? And that, in fact, 80% of professionals have stated that they found networking to be absolutely essential to their success? Added to that, networking is also the lowest-cost form of marketing. For these reasons, and many more, you should think about making business networking an ongoing part of your life and career.

Let’s take a look at how you can use business networking to grow your business.


Despite all the new, and constantly developing ways of advertising and marketing your business, word of mouth remains the most effective way to get new customers. The leads that you get from networking are extremely valuable, because people are generally quicker to trust the advice of someone they already know. In a world with thousands of different options in every industry under the sun, a personal referral is one of the best ways to stand out.

Brand Visibility

Networking is a great way to spread awareness about your brand. The more events you attend, the more people now know who you are and what you do. Soon, others will start bringing up your brand when they come across someone who needs your product or service, even if they don’t need it themselves.


Looking for a new position? Recent studies showed that 85% of positions are filled through networking and that 70% of all jobs are not advertised, but are filled through an introduction by a connection. If you’re looking to recruit, networking events are also a fantastic place to find the best talent!

Advice and Solutions

No matter how experienced you are, you can still come up against difficult challenges. Networking is a great way to find advice and solutions for the problems you’re facing. A person who is a like-minded professional, but who is able to see the situation objectively, can help you come to a satisfactory conclusion that you might not have reached on your own.

More Opportunities

Getting referrals is not the be all, end all of networking. There are many different kinds of opportunities that could present themselves: opportunities for collaboration, partnership, speaking or writing, joint ventures, new products, and the list goes on. A new opportunity, and one you may never have considered before, can change the whole course of your career, and skyrocket your success.

Increased Connections

As we already know, in business it’s less about what you know, and more about who you know. A wide circle of connections serves many purposes. New connections can open doors, keep you up to date on best practices, introduce you to influential people, and present you with the best vendors for every requirement. You may meet key advisors or business specialists with exactly the knowledge and expertise you need. Additionally, the majority of new partnerships, capital infusion, and merger candidates come from connections.

Giving and Receiving

The more you realize that networking is a two-way street, actively talk up other businesses, and take an active role in the community, the more successful you will be. When networking, always remember that giving is just as important as receiving.

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