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Make Way For Inclusive Capitalism

by BNI India

“Trust Is Earned When Actions Meet Words”-Chris Butler.

This is exactly what The Coalition For Inclusive Capitalism is hoping to achieve. 20 global companies across the sectors of consumer products, health services & heavy electricals have come together to create a framework that will help companies articulate the impact of investments driven for long-term value creation & community services.

The capitalistic world, where money is made & lost by the second, waits for no one. Speed might be thrilling but it also blurs many things along the way. Corporates have come to be described as money hungry beasts and they are more than eager regain that lost trust.

Corporate social responsibility is no new concept and while many companies have been doing their bit for the community, be it in the form of donations or landscaping or infrastructure; their impact has been questioned. Very rarely these projects reflect long-term value; something which could transform many lives for a long time to come. And so, investors, venture capitalists & shareholders have become reluctant to contribute to something big.

Capitalism has given birth to the myth of short-term successes. Yearly & quarterly profits hog all the limelight thereby sidelining earnest efforts made for long-term & sustainable value. The fate of businesses resembles the fate of a movie whose success is measured over just a weekend! Quick profits, instant gratification & short-term goals seem to cloud our world almost in every area. Entertainment, food, media, health, technology etc, so why should corporations be spared? Quality has been overstepped by quantity, growth by expansion and value by profits. If we continue this way, everything we do will be worthless and meaning will cease to exist.

We somehow need to make people realise the worth of projects that will promote long-term value creation, an inclusive society based on shared knowledge & holistic developments & a world always prepared to receive & be part of innovation, automation & globalisation.

This is where The Coalition For Inclusive Capitalism comes in. A new framework tool or valuation model that will help companies & investors to better reflect the value companies can create through human, financial & intellectual capital deployment, called Embankment Project For Inclusive Capitalism is being designed.

Adding a new office building is not the real benchmark. Value is something which is long-lasting, something that enhances community awareness, nourishes or nurtures new talent & fresh perspectives or something that will not only fulfill dreams but also stimulate the birth of new ones!

Now, can you put a number on something like that?

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