If you’re an entrepreneur, sleepovers at the office, late-night snacking and back-to-back appointments are inevitable, but in the midst of all the chaos an entrepreneur needs to have some hobbies …
SMEs & Startup Businesses
Upgrading Your Workplace Can Enhance Your Employees Productivity
by BNI IndiaIn an experience economy, it’s hard to ignore the role the physical and digital environment play in the employee’s productivity. Like your customers your employees too attribute value to tangible …
Tech investor, Natalir Fratto chooses to invest in startup founders based not on their IQ or EQ but what she calls, the AQ. The Adaptability Quotient tells her how adaptable …
It’s not rare to find employees at loggerheads with each other over certain decisions. Of course there are going to be differences but if those differences are not handled well, …
Social media is all about the now. Personal, engaging and interactive, it’s a platform that has revolutionized communicating and networking. Anyone, anywhere with the most basic smartphone and decent internet …
Addressing an audience however big or small, is always a daunting task for many. If you’re one of them, then these tips below will put you at ease. Have A …