Home » Reasons why Virtual Co-Working is the Future

Reasons why Virtual Co-Working is the Future

by BNI India

First let us take a look at the concept of virtual co-working in relation to regular co-working.

While virtual Co-working is similar to regular co-working in the sense that it involves people from different organisations sharing the same working space, it varies with the regular co-working regarding the reason behind its origin. 

The concept of co-working grew out of the need of entrepreneurs, freelancers etc to be able to enjoy all the benefits of having an office space in big cities without having to pay exorbitant rents. Virtual co-working however grew out of the need of rapidly expanding organisations to connect team members spread out across the globe and enable them to work on common projects in a virtual office like environment. 

While the co-working concept is still in demand, albeit a few modifications relating to the new social distancing rules, it is virtual co-working which has become the need of the hour in the current scenario due to the following benefits it offers:

Helps Overcome the Tedium of Working Alone

In the office environment the fact that you are surrounded by colleagues all busy with their individual tasks or collaborating on a project serves as a great motivating factor to finish your own tasks before the office hours are done. However working from home despite its advantages requires a lot of self motivation and discipline which can be hard to maintain on a daily basis. 

This is where being a part of a virtual co-working community works to your advantage. Working alongside your peers in a virtual recreation of the office environment will provide the necessary motivation to boost productivity and help you accomplish your tasks for the day.  

Recreating the Office Environment

As seen above there are certain benefits in recreating the benefits of the office environment in the comfort of your own home. Numerous co-working platforms host virtual coffee breaks or events (as they are known online) where co-workers can meet up for a more informal chat. These platforms also offer virtual meeting rooms where you can have a closed door discussion on projects with your team. 

No Geographical Boundaries

The original purpose of virtual co-working, namely overcoming geographical boundaries holds even more significance today. Being able to work in a virtual space with team members living in different parts of the world helps ensure that your organisation’s projects don’t suffer any setbacks due to the current restrictions on travel.

Helps in Networking

Another advantage of being in a co-working community is that you are able to meet and interact with people both within and outside your field of specialisation. This helps you build contacts, expand your network and over the course of time also helps you find new clients and grow your business. 

The above benefits show how being a part of the virtual co-working community will definitely work for you both now and in the future.

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