Home » Why Small Businesses Should Choose Micro-Influencers To Market Their Brand

Why Small Businesses Should Choose Micro-Influencers To Market Their Brand

by BNI India

It’s no surprise that influencer campaigns are turning out to be one of the most effective & powerful digital marketing platforms. Digital consumers are becoming savvy with Adblock software and so nothing can come in between the content & the consumer. Influencer campaigns are more advertorial and less gimmicky. Especially, micro influencers are widespread and are generally considered more authentic than big influencers who are often high profile celebrities, supporting different brands at the same time and who are paid quite a price for sharing a post.

That brings us to the next point on why micro influencers score more than macro influencers. They are definitely more cost-effective than macro-influencers who generally with 500+ followers could charge your $10000. With the same budget, you could take on 20 micro influencers whose average engagement rate is more than 1 macro influencer.

Micro Influencers are what you can call a groundswell approach to social media marketing. Especially small brands can blindly rely on them for different needs-whether it is using multiple avenues to reach diverse audiences o repeatedly exposing the targeted audience through multiple outlets.

There is a reason why the average engagement rate of micro influencers is higher and that is primarily due to content. Micro influencers are seriously invested in the brand and will come up with highly engaging content to promote it. Macro influencers already have a lot on their plate and are never personally involved with the brand, and are known to take paid advertising.

micro influencers go all out to inform & impress the consumer and take time to build a personal relationship with the consumer.

While big brands can easily go for celebrities, small brands are not losing much. They can tap into the micro influencers and easily compete with big brands irrespective of budget. Consumers nowadays, know that everyone can play the influencers game, and are not really likely to get carried away just with big names but with great content-which, only micro influencers can produce.

Your entry into a niche market is better with a micro influencer. What makes an audience a niche one is basically they see beyond what the mainstream audience sees; so things like great content, influencer’s relationship with brands really matter to them.

So, if you are looking to leverage the effect of influencer marketing, micro influencers are your best bet. Especially, if you are an upcoming brand.  Micro influencers too are also up and comers who cherish their growing community and who in return are equally cherished & followed by the digital consumer community.


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