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Top 10 Skills You Need To Be a Perfect Networker

by BNI India

If you think networking is all about shaking hands and exchanging business cards, you are wrong. It’s about building lasting relationships and maintaining them. Here are the top 10 skills you must have to become, not a good networker, but a great one!


You should be able to translate ideas into tangible, simple and easily comprehensible language. Putting your thoughts into words effectively is exactly what will get you new leads. Use simple words, short sentences and stick to the point.


Networking is all about connecting which includes a fair and unbiased two-way communication. While you may feel the need to dominate conversations and dazzle those around you, take a step back once in a while to show others that you value their opinion too!

Honesty and Reliability

Honesty is an all-important trait that can help establish your credibility as a networker. Don’t exaggerate when you speak to new people and always keep a promise.


The 5 W’s are a basic necessity for any networker – what, when, why, where and who. Any good networker worth their salt asks these five questions but to be a great one, you have to go beyond this. When you show interest in other people, they reciprocate. Small things like speaking about an interesting article or a new product can spark a great conversation and give you a new lead.


Creativity in finding new information, new leads, new solutions and promotional methods can work in your favour. Unusual and new tools of networking are proving more effective today than tried and tested methods.


Good networkers reach out for others and are always excited to meet new people. Be comfortable in new company and create mutual admiration. Don’t be afraid to initiate contact with people you don’t know. The more people you approach, the bigger your network becomes.


Networking is a process of give and take, which is why going the extra mile can work in your favour. Feel free to give things away, like an idea or a service, without expecting anything in return. You will be surprised with the response you get.


The sign of a good networker is how well prepared they are. Ensure that you know who will attending the event, what you will wear, the time and venue details, your transportation details etc. Being organised is half the battle when you show up on time, on point and well prepared.


Enthusiasm is a sign of positivity and commitment and when you walk into a room with your head held high, you are making an impact. Show passion about yourself and the company you represent to make a great first impression.

Good Natured

While networking is considered serious business, it is supposed to be a fun process that mixes work and play. Try a little good natured humour to go with your substance to make a lasting impression. You always remember the ones that make you laugh and think over those who simply bogged you down with data!

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