Home » Top 5 Tips To Remember Names At A Networking Event

Top 5 Tips To Remember Names At A Networking Event

by BNI India

A networker’s day is always a busy one – what with the meetings, events, and other social dos. How do they manage to remember hundreds of names? Here are 5 tips.

Use names often in conversation

Practice makes perfect. This statement is especially true when remembering names. Repeating someone’s name after an introduction can help you remember better and also make you a better conversationalist. Ensure that you use their name regularly when you speak to them. However, ensure that you use it naturally and don’t overdo it!

Make word associations

Word and name associations are ideal techniques to recall anything, especially names! When you meet someone new, try to associate their name with a unique personality, mannerism or physical trait. You will be surprised how a unique greeting can immediately trigger your associative skills and help you remember their name. Although this technique isn’t 100% effective, it is very useful to have on an everyday basis.

Listen carefully while they speak

If you are new to networking and are nervous at an event, it is natural to lose focus. However, when you force yourself to focus on your conversation, you open up new ways and techniques to remember names and other details. Just take a deep calming breath, smile and relax. When you listen to other people speak, you will notice unique mannerisms, speech patterns and even catchphrases that can help you remember names in the future.

Get their business card

Make it a habit to ask for someone’s business card after you have spoken to them. Write down any added details on the back of the card to help you remember them easily. By doing this, you can quickly associate the person with your personal notes and recall their name.

Ask them to spell or pronounce their name

This is a simple and ingenious method to remember names. If you are confused or have forgotten their name, simply ask them to pronounce or spell it. This will not only help you remember their name faster but also please them with your focused attention. Alternatively, you could also ask them the significance or meaning behind their name and build a more positive rapport with people.

Forgot? Don’t be afraid to own up!

It happens to the best of us. Whether you haven’t caught their name right or have forgotten it, you are not alone. The best way to deal with this conundrum is to simply be honest. You can say something simple and sincere like, I am sorry, but I have forgotten your name. Do you mind repeating it for me?

That’s all it takes, really. It is also less embarrassing the sooner you own up to it. In fact, there is a very high chance that someone else has forgotten your name too! By being upfront and excusing yourself for forgetting a name, you also open up a window for others to ask the same and make it easier for everyone around you. Remember that networking involves meeting a lot of people and slipping up on a few names is not the worst thing to happen.

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