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Top 7 Strategies To Increase Employee Innovation

by BNI India

Democratise the exchange of ideas. Give everyone a chance to contribute to the meetings. Avoid hierarchy or sticking to titles and create a level playing field where everyone’s voice is heard. This ensures everyone that the environment is a collaborative one and that it is open to new ideas-this kind of environment pushes them to think out-of-the-box with confidence.

Our physical space informs our mental faculties. It is true, and hence when people tell you to keep your workspace organised that is because they want your messiness to inform the way you think. So, keep looking for different physical settings for your employees to brainstorm. The outdoors be it the terrace or the garden can influence our thinking in a big way. Fresh air can really enhance the oxygen flow to our brain which makes us think better. Also the outside environment can help us think from different perspectives.

Group & individual incentives will not only encourage innovative & creative thinking but will also teach other people to encourage their members to think innovatively. People instead of sidelining new thinking in order to stick with tried & tested will go an extra mile to appreciate & endorse the same.

Encourage your employees to look around, not just competitors but other companies and understand how they innovate. Be it anything from manufacturing to packaging to marketing, the best way to learn and see the impact of certain innovations is to research about companies that have used them.

Generally, customer or client interaction is mainly done by account holders or managers; but it will be great if once in a while you can involve team members too in the client meetings. It will definitely give a boost to their confidence and they will feel more valued by and involved in the company.

Not many companies opt for this but, allowing your employees to take up side projects might be conducive to you. External projects are not only an alternate revenue generator for the employee but also another inspiring source of innovative thinking which could help your company in the long run. Such projects will keep your employees more active and creatively charged.

Keep communication as a 2-way street with your employees. Ask for anonymous feedback or suggestions regarding particular issues regarding a client or just basic administrative solutions which could transform the work environment. Employees will know that there is a support system that is interested in their suggestions.


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