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Ways Organisations can Help Build a Better Economic and Social Future

by BNI India

Business organisations in India have always been at the forefront of numerous philanthropic activities carried out across the country. In addition to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) obligations numerous organisations have also undertaken voluntary charity works. 

The current situation brings out the necessity for more involvement on the part of organisations to bring the country and economy back on track. Organisations have already showed flexibility and adaptability in adjusting their operations to suit the need of the current times. Let us take a look at how numerous organisations have done this and additional steps that can be taken in this direction to benefit both people and the economy at large.

Modifying Operations to suit Current Requirements

Indian manufacturing units have shown amazing dexterity in modifying their production activities to suit the requirements of the current times. A perfect case in point is with regard to the production of PPE’s and face masks in India. Where just 2-3 months ago India was not manufacturing a single PPE, it has now reached a single day production goal of around 2 lakh PPE kits.  This was made possible by numerous textile manufacturing units all over the country shifting their production line to manufacturing PPE’s.  

 An example of a successful turnaround is the many textile companies in Tirupur (famous for being the manufacturing hub of numerous international brands) which had ground to a standstill due to closure of international markets, have now started manufacturing PPE kits and face masks.  In this way India which was once dependant on imported kits is now well on its way to becoming self reliant in providing protective gear to its frontline workers.

In this manner this is a good time to look at becoming more self-reliant in other fields by promoting local industries. This can be done in collaboration with other countries which have the know-how. This will keep the international trade route open while creating more job opportunities in India thus helping develop both the domestic and international economies. 

Employee Welfare

As they say ‘Charity begins at home’, so the most important contribution organisations can make to their local society and economy will be to ensure their employees do not face any hardships or anxieties during this period.  The top priority would be to reassure employees regarding their job security. In addition regular updates regarding the safety measures being put in place will go a long way in allaying their fears. 

Society at Large

This is the perfect moment to reassess organisation goals in relation to both future charitable pursuits and expansion plans.  There is ample time to rethink and implement strategies to ensure the greater good of the society and environment at large lies at the heart of the new organisation policy.

In this way organisations can contribute to building a future business culture where there is a fine balance between social responsibilities and economic benefits.

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