Home » What Kevin Ferrazzi’s Never Eat Alone Teaches Us

What Kevin Ferrazzi’s Never Eat Alone Teaches Us

by BNI India

Kevin Ferrazzi is a master networker who knows just how to get ahead in life. Author of business bestseller Never Eat Alone, Kevin teaches us a lot in just three words. If you are looking for in-depth advice on how you can get ahead in life and climb your ladder to success on the personal and professional front, this is your bible.

Who is Kevin Ferrazzi?

Born to a steelworker and cleaning lady in a small town, his life is a remarkable account of the rags to riches story. Since an early age, Kevin had an amazing ability in connecting with others. Using his innate networking skills and talent, Kevin graduated from Yale, completed his MBA from Harvard and then went on to lead in several executive posts. Before the age of 40, Ferrazzi had a formidable network of relationships that reached the corridors of Washington and Hollywood. His name was among Crain’s 40 under 40 and was selected by the Davos World Economic Forum as a Global Leader for Tomorrow.   

Never Eat Alone: What does it mean?

Very early in his career, Ferrazzi figured out that the secret to success is reaching out. The one thing that distinguishes successful people from others is how they leverage their relationships to create a win-win situation. The title alludes to this theory. Making connections not just for personal but mutual gain is what Never Eat Alone is all about. After being published in 2015, marketing and networking today has a new platform – social media, which the book still addresses to perfection. Ferrazzi’s advice on reaching out to others and forging a relationship of give and take is equally poignant today as it was before Facebook.

Kevin Ferrazzi’s principles of networking

With a true and genuine helping nature, Kevin forges real and lasting business relationships that prove to be much more valuable and profitable in the long run. His style of networking has been distilled over the years and broken down into simple, practical, effective and proven principles like:

Keeping touch all the time: Networking is not just about connecting when you need something. Quality relationships are forged when you keep in touch with your contacts all the time. Asking about their day, showing concern and sharing their successes is one of the many things you can do to create a solid network of individuals who genuinely care for each other.

Never eating alone: Whether you are in a corporation or a networking event, invisibility is worse than failure. Ensure that you mingle and make yourself known, heard and seen. Never eat alone when you can dine with people who can change your future.

No score keeping: Networking is not about getting what you want. Ferrazzi’s style of networking is getting what you want while ensuring that others get what they want too!

Although a lot of people in the world are networking experts, there is something that sets Kevin Ferrazzi apart from the rest. His style of networking is not based on cunning plans of profit or advantage but those of generosity, genuine connection and mutual long term gains. Create a win-win situation, not a one-sided advantage.      

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