Home » 12 Successful Leadership Principles That Never Get Old

12 Successful Leadership Principles That Never Get Old

by BNI India

The world is continually evolving and changing. New practices are introduced and old ones are sometimes discarded as time goes by. However, there are many solid principles that have held steady over the years and that are still true today.

Everything that is worth something, costs something

Oftentimes many of us are not willing to risk something for the reward. We want success without having to deal with failure. But, as we have been told, success & failure are two sides of the same coin. If you want something, you will have to be willing to invest the time, commitment, patience & discipline it takes in order to achieve it.   

You can’t control what happens, but you can choose how you react to it

No matter how little we may want them to, difficult situations will sometimes arise. We cannot control any of those situations, or where or when they may choose to crop up. The only thing that’s in our power is our reaction to it. The good news? Our reaction, more often than not, can change the outcome of the whole situation.

There can be no success without struggle

Every success story includes some struggle, and your story won’t be any different. This is because it often takes life’s difficulties to shape us into the person we need to be in order to achieve that success.

Your choices define who you are

Small bad decisions can lead to bigger ones. If we allow small slips in our standard, these can grow to become habits, and those habits grow to define who you are as a person.

Sometimes, by losing yourself, you find yourself

At times, each of us makes choices that take us off the path we had constructed for our lives. When this happens, remember that sometimes what seems like the wrong choice can lead us to the right place. Sometimes there is a better path for us than the one we were originally on.   

Positivity breeds positivity

When you choose to face challenges with positivity, it attracts more positivity into your life. Conversely, when your first reaction is a negative one, this also attracts more negativity into your life. You make the decision.

Helping others helps you too

If you have a roof over your head, a belly full of food and people who care about you, then you are already luckier than most. We are all obligated as humans and fellow inhabitants of the world to give from what we have to those who are not as privileged.

To make progress, you need a plan

Failing to plan is planning to fail. Progress is not made by accident, but is the result of a solid plan that was put into action. Making detailed & achievable goals is the key to reaching them.

Adapting to change is necessary

Many of us don’t like change – it’s uncomfortable and we would rather keep things as they are. But change will come whether we like it or not. It’s up to us to adapt to it and, if we do, it can bring us closer to success.

Time is an investment

Time is precious and once it’s spent, it can’t be taken back. Use your time wisely by investing it in the things that matter most to you.  

Determination can get you through almost anything

Life is tough to toughen you up. An attitude of determination can bring the human spirit through almost anything, and, often, simply refusing to give up is the key to getting through it.  

You, and only you, are responsible for your success

Finding your purpose is a personal thing – it’s about you. Don’t let others try to put you in a box or decide it for you. It’s your journey, so make it a beautiful one.


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