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What Makes Exponential Leaders

by BNI India

An exponential leader is different from other leaders. She/he is always looking beyond the obvious, is in a constant pursuit to improve & is never complacent with achievements.

Leading by example is a difficult job no doubt and that is why only few can be leaders. But exponential leaders are even rarer. So, what makes exponential leaders?

They always follow the open door policy. Transparency is the magic word they all swear by and irrespective of how big or small the company is, they see to it that they create a culture of openness be it for anything, either decision making or grievance redressal. Employees are always encouraged to work and share in a healthy environment.

  1. Out-of-the-box thinking comes naturally to them. They always work keeping the bigger picture in mind and use creative ideas to crack some of the biggest problems. They are always ahead in the game when it comes to analysing competitors or studying user experience. Be it identifying potential customers or making processes more customer friendly they are open to new technology & innovative ideas that are based on objective of creating new & pleasure human experiences. They go beyond profitability and are in the business for something more profound like, humanity.
  2. Learning is a constant for exponential leaders. They are always kicked about making learning a constant pursuit among their employees as they believe that each employee at every level has something inspiring to share. They are often the kind of leaders who will take time to be part of inculcating training themselves to their employees. Only leaders being abreast with the latest isn’t enough and no one knows that more than them. Knowledge sharing is a deeply insightful exercise which exponential leaders make sure the entire company is a part of. Retention rate under such leaders is always a hard 90% if not more!
  3. Growth no matter what is their motto and they stand by it like rocks. Exponential leaders welcome failures as they know they are inevitable. Failures for them are stepping stones to success and their ‘never give up’ attitude helps them work around failures and decisions that support their growth mindset, and make choices and decisions that will support their long-term vision. They aren’t afraid of change and look at mistakes as learning opportunities.
  4. Starting a business is one thing, but maintaining it is a whole different ballgame. You might be able to start alone but sustaining requires others. Engagement is key. There are great leaders who start a business run it till it reaches its full glory and then it dies down, but exponential leaders don’t have an expiry date. They know fully well that if they want their dream and legacy to live longer than them, they need to pull people along. Engagement with employees & customers is often taken for granted but it is engagement, that keeps the vision alive. Employees need to feel that their skill set is valued and all the years of hard work they put in a company will make a big difference to the world. Trust & goodwill is what secures a business, a dream.


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