The ending of a year, and the approach of a new one, often brings with it a time of reflection. We think about what we accomplished the year before and what we would like to accomplish in the year to come. Countless times, we tell ourselves “Next year will be my best one yet”, but too often daily life, and all that comes with it, gets in the way of the actual realization of those goals.
If you really want next year to exceed all expectations, you’ve got to get down to the brass tacks of what really needs to be done in order to make that year the best one yet.
Goals > New Year’s Resolutions
We set resolutions for the New Year and expect them to motivate us, but in reality, they often only serve to highlight our failures. This is because a resolution without a plan simply cannot work. Instead of resolutions, set goals:
Instead of saying: “I want to grow my business this year” set actual goals with specifics. What exactly do you want to have achieved by a certain month? How much more profit would you like to make by the end of the year? How many more clients would you like to take on? Make larger goals, and break those down into smaller goals. Only with an actual plan can you ensure your goals will become reality.
Build & Cultivate the Right Relationships
The people we surround ourselves with will have an effect on us, and that goes for business relationships as well. This New Year, assess the important relationships in your life & business to determine what kind of impact they are having on you, your goals & your future. Analyze whether they help propel you forward or hold you back. Make a habit of building relationships with the right people; ones who can be part of the successful future you’re working towards.
Take Things One Step at a Time
It can be easy to give in to frustration when things don’t go as planned and wonder if you’ll ever reach your goals, but, really, all that matters is that you keep moving in the right direction – even if it’s slow progress. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither can our goals be realized overnight. As you focus on each small, but important step, you will automatically reach the end of the path, where your plans will come to fruition.