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6 Productivity Tips That Work For Every Entrepreneur

by BNI India

As entrepreneurs you are filled with ideas to make the world a better place but when you are in the rut of it all, you tend to forget the little things that make a big difference in your productivity levels.

  • Have a vision board: Don’t get too busy to dream! Dreams are what brought you here, and they are the ones that will take you forward. A vision board or a dream board pinned up in front of you will remind of your life goals. Could be anything from a product launch to climbing a mountain! The vision board serves as a great motivation and motivation is what inculcates discipline which you need to stay focused and consistent. Dreams also push you away from your comfort zone and get you to push boundaries.
  • Diss Distractions: Distractions are nasty and if you want to achieve those dreams on your dream board you need to move as far as possible from them. If you know things like emails or calls steer you away from the subject in focus, use tools to avoid them. For eg; email productivity tools or allocate 2 hours in the mornings for all important calls. You are more vulnerable to distractions since you have no ‘boss’ breathing down your neck, so make sure you make a conscious effort to stay away.
  • Maintain a Strict Schedule: Plan your day. You need it. You spearhead a company and you’ll have a lot of things running in your mind, big and small. The only way you can complete tasks successfully is if you have a schedule and more importantly if you stick to it. It’s only a matter of time when this drafted schedule becomes a habit. Your exercise routine, calls, emails, meetings, dinners, lunches, hobbies. Set a time for each and follow strictly. Only then can you make the best of every activity.
  • Delegate less important tasks: Entrepreneurs can be real sticklers when it comes to doing things on their own and that’s what messes things up. You’ll be spending time on less important things while your bottom line gets strained. Delegation is an art and you’ll have to master as soon as you can. It makes you a better leader, who is more inclusive and who believes in his/her team.
  • Work To Make Work-Life Balance Work: Work-life balance is a dream for entrepreneurs but if you make it happen things will change for the better. Develop a hobby, meet people outside of office, travel more. Travelling especially inspires you. You’re introduced to new people and new stories, you get to bond with family and friends and that helps you understand yourself, personally and professionally.

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