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Set Yourself Up – to Win!

by BNI India

We are already into the sixth month in 2016! Wow! Time does fly, doesn’t it? While the year began for most of us on a high note of goals and business growth strategies, June is a good month to revisit these and see where we are now. Are we on schedule to reach our goals as planned, or do we need to consolidate, make course correction and strategize our moves for the next six months, so we reach our destination?

No matter where you are currently, there is always something new or better that will land your way and you’ll be more than happy to incorporate new learning to catalyze your journey into a more effective direction. Wouldn’t you agree?

Here are a few important tips to help you stay focused and keep you moving ahead in the right direction.

  1. Record little wins – Every day that you move forward, with however small a step, count it in and celebrate it. You are one step closer to your destination. It could be making that one call that you have been putting away, connecting you to the person who can further connect you to your dream referral.
  1. Plan the day in advance – Planning your working day, the night before is a great way to get more out of your time. You can even allot time slots for each activity making it even more effective. Research shows when you plan in advance, your sub-conscious mind works the night putting together ways in which you can get all your work done most effectively the next day.
  1. Recharge – If you’ve been chasing your goals too hard, give yourself a breather. Go on a small vacation to relax and renew yourself. Getting back recharged helps you double your productivity.
  1. Work in small powerful slots – Study shows that the human brain can focus for 90 minutes at a task on hand. Working as per our natural flow is a super way to get more work done. Get a stretch break, coffee break or just a power nap for 20 minutes between every 90 minutes of work.
  1. Take massive action – However meticulous the plan, it needs to be worked. Begin by committing to and taking massive action as soon as the plan is created. This creates momentum and helps your energy levels stay high. Taking action is the single most important task at hand every single day. Go for it.
  1. Be patient – When you have done all that you need to do, wait patiently, results take time in manifesting. But the important thing is, that you have set the wheels in motion, in the right direction.

When you look back at the last 6 months, list out all your small and big wins, gratitude moments and insights; these will serve as the fuel for the next six months of massive productive action.

So where are you in your journey so far? What have been your small and significant wins so far?

Share them here and you never know who you may end up inspiring this year!

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