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How to Make First Impressions Count

by BNI India

Are First Impressions the Lasting Impressions?

The opinion is neatly divided between yays and nays on the power of first impressions. A first impression is a mental map one forms of the other person and has the power to influence the basis of their future relationship. Do first impressions actually have the kind of clout attributed to them?

The Concept of Beauty

Humans adore physical beauty and people who are physically ‘beautiful’ have the advantage of making the best impression. However, the concept of beauty varies widely depending on such factors as cultural, racial and ethnic background. The proverb ‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’ lends further credence to the theory that a homogenous concept of beauty does not exist. Clearly, physical appearance exercises limited influence on the impression-making process.

Sizing up Helps Make Informed Choices

‘Sizing up’ is the colloquial word used for the event of forming first opinions. The existence and subsequent evolution of humans owes a great deal to their ability to size up people and their intentions which gave them a head start to make informed decisions and increased their chance of avoiding an unnecessary physical confrontation. This ability is not limited to humans. Most animals have an intrinsic sense of the superiority of their rivals that helps them to avoid physical injury by acknowledging the superior physical powers of the alpha male or female of the group.

A Level-playing Field is a Priority for the underdog

People’s anxiety to create a favourable first impression stems from their need to create a level playing field while dealing with people whom they consider as superior to themselves in terms of physical appearance and power of personality. In a multicultural society, stereotypes, caricatures and prejudices based on race, ethnicity and physical characteristics are imposing barriers for a person from a minority background to breakdown. The ability to create favourable first impressions assumes special significance for them. This, clearly, is a sweeping generalization and in a modern professional environment there is little evidence to suggest that business deals are struck on the basis of one’s ethnicity or people are hired on the basis of their physical appearance.

Pay Attention to Details

Having said that, a little more attention to details will certainly help one create a favourable impression, as far as the first impressions go.

  • Be clear on location : Choose the right meeting venue to put you and your potential business partner both at ease. Precise instructions about the location are always helpful.
  • Pay attention to personal grooming: Clean well-fitting clothes, well-groomed hair and good quality footwear all help make a favourable impression when the other person sizes you up initially.
  • Be Punctual: Start early and reach early. Apart from being able to reinforce your sense of professionalism, this will also give you extra time to review your preparation for the meeting one last time.
  • Handshake and Body Posture: A handshake is the first contact between two people. A firm and confident handshake and an upright posture affect humans positively at some primitive level.
  • Eye Contact: It is ingrained in us humans not to trust a person who is ‘shifty-eyed.’ Maintain a friendly and continual eye contact.
  • Ability to Listen: Your ability to listen is an indicator of your personality and creates a favourable impression. It means you are patient and accommodative to others’ views.
  • Speak in a Measured Tone: Maintain an even tone and speak slowly. Avoid slangs and cliches. Humour based on disability, gender and stereotypes is not a good idea either.
  • Know your subject: Prepare well and know your subject well. A professional approach is ultimately what impresses people the most.

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