Everyone knows fictional trader Gordon Gekko’s infamous refrain in the film Wall Street: “Greed is good.” These days, however, a different class of entrepreneur is dismantling and disproving that concept. Consider …
BNI India
“Frustrated You Are Not Receiving More Referrals ” by Tiffanie Kellog
Tiffanie Kellog, trainer for Asentiv Florida, explores the VCP process as it relates to what stage of the referral relationship you are in with others to build referral sources. Article …
It’s no secret that social networking sites today act as a marketing and business platform, while being indispensable to smaller businesses. Apart from being inexpensive compared to traditional marketing and …
How often have we looked at someone and thought, ‘My God, she’s so lucky she has it all’ or ‘What a lucky …’! We tend to give credit only to …
A lot of people tend to treat their networking partners like clients. They focus on selling themselves or their service to the group which is ok, but highly limiting …
BNI is not just a networking opportunity for businesses. BNI is a place where business owners / members can come together to serve a greater need than just turn …
How many of us find ourselves going from one networking event to another, without really getting much from it? How many think of networking with dread, like it is a …
We all know the importance of networking and spend a lot of time and effort in building up contacts. From one event to another we go, collect cards, even follow …
As we go around living our lives, sometimes it is hard to figure out what and why we are doing something, and whether there is any use to what we …
Entrepreneurs work long hours, are usually battling one problem after another and dealing with stressful situations on a regular basis. In spite of this, the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2013 Global …