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Be the Leader who Inspires Respect and Loyalty

by BNI India

The mark of a truly great leader is someone who inspires the team and leads from the front. You should realise that though not everyone is born with great leadership skills, the willingness to go that extra mile and learn from mistakes is what sets apart the truly great leaders from the good ones. So go ahead and hone your leadership skills with the following tips and grow from a good to a great boss.  

Embrace Change – Keep your mind open to suggestions and ideas. Realise that each employee has unique abilities and is an expert in their own field. There is so much you can learn by listening to them. This does not mean that you have to implement every suggestion made by your employees, but the very fact that you value their insights, makes them feel invested in the success of the organisation. 

Power and Responsibility – Delegate responsibilities to your employees and grant the necessary powers to carry out these responsibilities. Let go of the apron strings, show your employees you trust them to do the job and do it well. This will empower them to take ownership of their work and put their best foot forward.

Stand up for your Employees – Be the kind of boss who stands up for their employees when the going gets rough. Employees always appreciate bosses who have had their back in difficult situations, in comparison to those who have set them up to take the blame for any failures. 

Challenge your Employees – A true leader leads by example. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and take up new challenges. Set an example for your employees. Encourage them to also get out of their comfort zone and challenge themselves. Your employees will always appreciate the fact that you made them realise their true potential.

Invest in Employee Growth – Having set your employees on the path to realising their potential, do what is necessary to facilitate their growth. There are many ways you can do this without stepping on their toes, for example:

  • Skill development classes – In-house or external training consultants
  • Mentoring program – Where an experienced employee will help another who is learning a new skill. Also let your employees know you are always there to help and guide them. 
  • Regular reviews – Will help you and your employees align goals and expectations to further enhance their growth.

Give Due Credit – Regular reviews also provide an opportunity to check employee performance. If they have not reached expectations, don’t jump to conclusions. Find out if there are some personal or professional problems they are facing. Look at ways you can help them solve these problems and improve their performance. If they have exceeded expectations, be the first to appreciate their efforts. Reward their hard work and dedication via promotions and salary increments.

 Keep in mind that while monetary compensation is the initial motivating factor, you will need to go that extra mile to make your employees feel truly appreciated. Say thank you for a job well done with a handwritten note. Pair it with thoughtful gifts like restaurant vouchers, movie tickets or even a box of their favourite chocolates.

Personal Connect – When you view employees as individuals in their own right, not just people reporting to you, all the above mentioned points will naturally fall into place. Create a personal connection with employees, and keep in mind their sensitivities when dealing with them. Respecting them as individuals will definitely increase their respect for you.

While we have listed out a few general guidelines, when it comes to interpersonal relationships it is important to follow your own heart. So go ahead and be more than just an employer, be the mentor and guide who employees would love to call their boss!

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