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Body Language Secrets that can Put You on the Road to a Million Dollars

by BNI India

We’ve all heard the saying “actions speak louder than words”, and the same is true for our body language. Dr. Albert Mehrabian breaks down our communication into 7% spoken words, 38% tone of voice, and 55% body language. Whether those numbers are definitively true or not, there can be no doubt that our body language does account (in a big way) for how we come across to other people, and can have a big impact on our success.

Just as the decision to surround yourself with successful people can help you to achieve your goals, projecting confidence & success can make you more likely reach the success you want to achieve. Have you got your eye on a raise, or a partnership? Are you looking for a promotion or a new business opportunity? Here are 5 body language tips that can help you get there.

Stand Tall

According to research published in 2015, an extra inch or two in your height can actually result in a 9-15% higher salary for you. While it’s true that you can’t change our height, you can certainly take advantage of the height you do have by standing tall, and adopting a confident posture. As Carol Kinsey Goman, creator of the LinkedIn Learning course “Body Language for Leaders explains: “Power, status and confidence are non-verbally displayed through the use of height and space”. So make sure you’re using every inch you’ve got.

Take Up Space

As our human instincts usually tell us that bigger is better, people who are perceived as powerful are often awarded privileges, resources & higher salaries than those who are not. Another tip, if you want to look taller, is to make it a habit to take up more space. Spread your arm on the back of your chair when you sit down or walk around while presenting in a meeting. Sitting a hand span’s distance from any table will also help lend to the perception that you are taking up more space, as when you reach for items on the table, your arm will stretch further, making you appear taller.  

Smile & Maintain Eye Contact

When a person meets you for the first time, and your first reaction is to give them a wide, genuine smile, it can actually impact their impression and opinion of you. They are far more likely to have a positive reaction towards you and want to engage with you. A simple smile can make all the difference in how someone chooses to perceive you. Another factor vital to confident body language is eye contact. Try to aim for 50-60% eye contact when you’re speaking to someone.

Use Your Hands

There are many qualities generally attributed to those considered to be good leaders, assertiveness being one of them. Using open-handed gestures at waist-height is body language that gives people the impression that you are open & honest; and projects confidence & credibility.  

Break Nervous Habits

Most people have “tells” when they’re nervous. They may fidget, run their hands through their hair, bite their nails and so on. The trouble with these nervous habits is when you behave in an anxious way, especially repeatedly; it will cancel out what you are trying to portray – a person who is cool, calm & confident. Examine what your nervous habits may be and make a concerted effort to break them for better and more effective body language.

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