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Brand – YOU and How to Leverage It

by BNI India

Networking is all about relationships. Relationships are built on credibility. And credibility building takes time. Do you have an idea that can catapult you in that direction? Help you build your credibility really fast?

One of the ways to build visible credibility in a short span of time is to be viewed as a local expert at what you do or offer. Consider this…what would you need to do, to be viewed as the “go-to” person or the “gatekeeper” for anything to do that is related with your line of business. How do establish that you are a local expert. In his recent blog Ivan says, to become credible is to establish your expertise; and a good way to establish that is by writing. Yes, no secret in that one.

When you write articles that are based in your knowledge domain, that can benefit other readers, it may be a brilliant idea to begin writing and send your articles to leading newspapers, magazines, e zines, knowledge portals and so on. Sooner or later, you may find an interested editor who is willing to publish your article – because he sees value in it for his readers. Doing this over a period of time, will help you build your credibility as an expert in your field of business.

Getting the visibility that comes from being an author on industry specific topics, will boost your position as an expert in the field, an authority. This in turn will exponentially build the brand  – YOU and your business brand too.

For example, if someone is from the travel industry and ends up having his articles on travel published digitally and offline, his business stands to gain a leverage over competition, because HE is now a brand and therefore whatever he sells also gains higher brand perception. He may also end up doing very well in turbulent times, thanks to being perceived as an expert in the field, which is a result of several published articles in his domain of expertise.

Now reading this may make most of you start thinking about writing…and out of 100% only 2% may stick to the discipline of writing articles and sending them to all newspapers and other media on a regular basis, handling several “no-thank yous” before clinching a YES from an editor who finds the article interesting.

So go ahead, bite the bullet, share your knowledge, because there is some valuable information and experience that only you have and the world is waiting to hear it and benefit from it. Knowledge grows by sharing…and as a side effect it helps you build your brand too. How about enjoying such side effects?

Pen to paper – write down 5 areas in your line of business in which you have enough knowledge and experience, which will be priceless information for readers seeking the same. Remember, your initial pieces may not generate sales immediately, but will enhance your credibility across networks which will eventually bring in more business.

Go on, we encourage you to be part of the 2%, the persistent 2%, the resilient 2%, the game changing 2%.


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