Home » Changing Gears: How A Purpose Driven Business Helps Identify & Achieve Profitable Goals

Changing Gears: How A Purpose Driven Business Helps Identify & Achieve Profitable Goals

by BNI India

How much do you plan to invest and in what? Are you planning to branch out to other regions or cities?

Are you planning to open some new departments? Are you planning to change your hiring policies to suit the new market economy?

If you notice, all the above questions have a common word running through them…-plan/planning.

These plans are given shape by the goals you set for your business. Moreover, businesses are always looking to build actionable goals-those which can be quantified/measured. Goals are generally driven towards increasing the company’s profits/revenue; goals help you make a plan.

But what helps you make a goal? Ever thought of that?

Purpose. Purpose is where goals stem from. Purpose is much bigger, inclusive & personal a concept than a goal. Purpose always asks the bigger questions. There’s a philosophical tangent attached to the purpose. How then would something so abstract lead to something so concrete as goals, you may ask?

Purpose gives meaning to what you do or what you want to do, or what kind of life you want for yourself & your family? How you want to make this world a better place to live in..? Yes, they are heavy but they definitely guide you towards creating strong actionable goals.

The new economy is slowly becoming purpose-driven. Entrepreneurs, CEOS, CFOS, every employee at every level is beginning to ask the bigger questions. The answer to these purpose-driven questions will drive personal decisions, your personal choice, which in turn will shift your focus to goals. Your goals will enable you to fulfil your personal decisions/choices.

This way you move on from just profit-centred goals to bigger & more significant  aspects like creating a work culture that encourages & nurtures new & diverse talents, that helps employees understand & fulfill their purpose, that extends your business goals to the community, thereby creating initiatives that will help people and your brand to come together in the most organic & natural ways possible..

All this sounds good right? It’s possible too. Start looking at the bigger picture and join the many other companies in this purpose-driven economy who are daring to ask the bigger, deeper & better questions-questions that help achieve meaning..and if you do achieve meaning, profit is just around the corner, isn’t it?


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