As one of the greatest visionaries of all time Walt Disney said, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
Two of the most important traits which are a prerequisite for you as an entrepreneur are mentioned right here in this quote, so let us take a look at them and a few other traits that will help you scale the heights of success.
- Passionate about Your Dream – If you are passionate about the line of business your organisation has undertaken, you will work day and night to make it a resounding success. No obstacle will seem insurmountable, no task too difficult.
Being an entrepreneur is similar to being an athlete or an artist. Athletes undergo punishing training regimes and overcome numerous obstacles like injuries in order to achieve their dream and become the best in their field. Artists also have to encounter numerous rejections before their talent is appreciated, but they keep trying after every failed attempt till they are able to showcase their talent. The reason athletes and artists undergo so much hardship is because they are pursuing their passion and this is the kind of passion that should also drive you as an entrepreneur. You have to select a product or service that you are passionate about and make that the line of business your organisation seeks to be the best in. Only then will you put in your best efforts and work with all enthusiasm towards achieving greater levels of success.
- Courage – The very fact that you have taken the bold decision to step away from the security of your 9 to 5 job and take up the challenge of becoming an entrepreneur is proof of your courage. This is the same courage you have to display when you encounter numerous challenges and make tough decisions along the way. Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks, and always remember ‘You win some you lose some’, but the important point is to pick yourself up after every failure and be rearing to go again.
- Being Proactive – Instead of waiting for events like conferences, expos etc where you can interact with people of the business community, take charge and organise a local business meetup. Facilitating a business meetup earns you the respect and appreciation of other members of the local business community and gives a boost to the participating businesses (your business included). Undertaking such type of proactive activities will also go a long way in boosting your confidence.
- Thirst for Knowledge – Part of being a successful entrepreneur is keeping abreast of the latest developments in your chosen field and the business world in general. As an entrepreneur it is also important that you stay on top of the game by ensuring you and your employees learn and implement the most relevant new technologies. This openness to change and willingness to implement new innovations is what will give you an edge over the others in your line of business.
- Always Being Customer Centric – Never lose focus of the reason your organisation was started i.e. to serve customers. Keep their preferences and requirements in mind whenever you make any decisions regarding launching a new product or service, for they are going to be the very people using them. You can get their inputs via numerous means like surveys, online forums, active participation by loyal customers etc, based on the feedback you get from customers, modify your offering. In this way you ensure that your product/service actually meets customer requirements, thereby increasing your sales and customer loyalty in the long run.
These traits will definitely help you hone your business acumen and achieve greater success as an entrepreneur.