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Graduate from Being a Boss to an Approachable Leader

by BNI India

The image of a boss most of us had while growing up, was someone who when they walked into their office had employees scrambling to their feet to greet them. Well, not anymore, with the entry of multinationals into India the old hierarchical work culture is yielding way to the new more inclusive culture. It is essential you embrace this ongoing change and make the effort to become a more approachable boss or risk being labelled as a hierarchical one. Take these small steps in the right direction and see the huge difference it makes.   

Make it all about Your Employees – Your employees are the very cornerstone of your company. They have played a huge part in your growth story. Once you acknowledge this fact and start treating them as individuals in their own right, you will see a marked change in the way they view you. 

Let your employees know you are there to lend a helping hand whenever they encounter any issues with their work.  Organise regular reviews where employees are encouraged to discuss their challenges and successes. Be wholehearted in your appreciation of their various successes, let them know you truly appreciate their contribution to the organisation. For those encountering any issues, lend an attentive ear. Let them know that you will work alongside them to resolve the particular issue. Draw out those employees who try to blend into the background, get them involved in the ongoing discussion. Let them know that their opinion matters.

Remember Names – Have you ever greeted the security guard when you entered the office every day? Thanked the office boy when he brought you your morning cup of coffee? You can change that now, take the first step by finding out their names and the next time you see them greet them by name. This will be a small start but rest assured it will make a huge difference in their opinion of you. 

A warm smile, direct eye contact, a firm handshake, an acknowledging nod are a few of the genuine body language changes you can make to ensure employees are more comfortable in your presence.

Open to Suggestions – Show your willingness to listen to and implement constructive suggestions made by employees. Your ability to listen calmly and work towards solutions will encourage employees to approach you with any observations they have made during the course of their work. Always thank them for their inputs, this will made employees feel invested in the success of the organisation.

Finally while all these suggestions will help you make the necessary transition to becoming more approachable, it is essential that you are genuine in your outreach to your employees. There is also a fine line between being approachable and being a pushover. Make it clear that while your employees can always approach you for any support and with honest suggestions, you will not tolerate unprofessionalism.  This will increase not only their respect but also their regard for you. This is the true indicator that you have graduated from being just a boss to becoming a true leader.

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