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Guidelines to Successfully Lead Virtual Team Meetings

by BNI India

With organisations expanding their operations all across the globe, long distance travel for work or conferences became more frequent. This frequent crossing of time zones ended up causing not only jet lags but also loss of time in addition to huge costs. Now with the huge advancements in video conferencing tools enabling even large scale meetings or conferences, many organisations have started switching over on a more permanent basis to this online platform not just for conferences but also for regular team meetings/updates. 

So if you as a leader are looking to make a permanent transition to the online platform for various team meetings pertaining to your organisation this is definitely the right time. In relation to your organisation’s transfer to online team meetings, the members of your team may initially encounter a few teething problems in relation to unfamiliarity with new technology, connectivity issues, lack of personal connect (which was possible in face-to-face meetings) etc, however this can be overcome by following a few guidelines. So let us look at these recommended guidelines which you can adopt to overcome the initial challenges which arise when conducting virtual meetings with your team.

Convenient Timings 

To enable a seamless transition from normal office routine it is recommended that virtual team meetings follow the same time schedules as normal face-to-face office meetings (i.e. held within official office hours). In case there are team members logging in from other countries, finding a time which is convenient for everyone will help ensure none of the participants have to stay up late in the night for the discussion.

Increase Comfort Level with the New Technology

Many members of your team may not be aware of the numerous facilities available on the video conferencing app. So it will be a good idea to organise a training session where any member who is more proficient in the workings of the app can take the others through the process, options available and other technical details. 

Engage Everyone 

The virtual medium may take a bit of getting used to and some members may be initially uncomfortable using it. To ensure everyone gets an equal say, you can make the sessions interactive and draw out any member who is quiet by asking them their opinion on the issue under discussion. Setting time limits will also ensure the discussion is not monopolised by a few participants.

In these ways you can not only overcome the initial challenges but also ensure the virtual team meeting is a success and achieves the purpose for which it was convened.

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