Defining your brand’s unique voice is essential if you want to stand out from the crowd. Brands that sound similar are often not distinctive enough. To create your own unique brand voice, do some research and consider the characteristics of your audience. While different people will react differently to different values, each audience will have a unique response to the same content.
Find are some helpful tips listed below to help you find your unique voice:
First, make a tone of voice document. It should be brief and include a few practical examples. It should also include ‘dos and don’ts’ for using the tone of voice. You can also make a style guide containing grammar and punctuation rules. These are important aspects to remember when putting your brand’s voice online. After you’ve done this, you’ll know how to talk to your customers.
Identify the words that make your brand unique. Make a list of words and phrases that best fit your brand’s goals and values. Next, create columns of words that describe your brand. Start by defining the words that make your brand sound confident and authoritative. Then, eliminate words that don’t fit the brand’s voice. Using these words will make your brand distinctive and stand out from the crowd.
Consider the audience’s reactions to the content you create. Pay attention to how they relate to your brand’s personality traits and values. This will help you understand the tone that is most likely to resonate with your audience. Your brand voice doesn’t have to be the loudest or the most bombastic – it just needs to be genuine. People who resonate with your brand’s voice will be more likely to become fans and convert into loyal customers.