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How to Increase Your Productivity

by BNI India

Create a Plan for Yourself

Every week, you have a certain set of tasks that need to be completed. Organize your tasks and assign priorities to each of them. Create a rough workflow of the week, and order your tasks accordingly. You can set small deadlines for yourself, and try to meet as many of them as possible.

Spend 5-10 minutes everyday morning planning your day, and similarly, spend some time in the night, to reflect back on what the day was like. You will be surprised as to how much difference these 5-10 minutes can make.

Find Projects that Interest You

These days, it is very common to feel that you are stuck in a job, which is monotonous and has no ‘oomph’ factor. But what we don’t realize is that, at the end of the day, every company wants their employee to enjoy their work. So, if you feel like you are not interested to work on a given project, you can always go out there and find new projects that interest you.

You can take up some on-going small projects in your team, that do not consume much time or you could explore taking up some experimental projects in another team, which draw your interest. You will notice, that when you are working on something that interests you, your productivity will definitely increase two folds.

Make Health and Fitness Schedule for Yourself

A healthy mind and healthy body will help you remain focused on your work. Try and squeeze in some regular workout schedules for yourself that keeps you fit and healthy.Adopt a style of healthy eating, and a controlled diet. The more you prioritize your mental health and physical fitness, the more balanced you will feel at your workplace.­­­­­­­­­­­­­

Find the One Thing That Keeps You Going

Be it rewards in the form of money, recognition or patents, there must be something at your workplace that keeps you going.  Stop once a while and look back at your achievements and your rewards. A job well done in the past, will help you motivate and give yourself the much needed boost at your workplace.

Focus on Qualitative Communication Over Quantitative Communication

Sometimes we feel that we need to put a lot of content in our mails, to get noticed. The truth is, it is completely the other way around. The lesser content you out, the more attention it will draw. You need to be able to change your style of communication according to the person you are dealing with. If you are able to understand the style of communication of various people, you will be in better synchronization with them, thereby avoiding wasting both of your time.

Remember that increasing your productivity will not only help you function better at your workplace, but it is also one of most fastest way to achieve your future goals.

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