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How Inspiring Founders Embrace Vulnerability

by BNI India

If someone were to ask what you thought were vital leadership skills to possess, many of us would name common traits, such as confidence, accountability or communication. Not many of us, however, would name vulnerability as one of the top leadership skills. The common perception is that vulnerability is a weakness, and has no place in the workplace; but the reality is that nothing could be further from the truth. We may look up to founders such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates or Elon Musk and marvel at how together they seem, but in fact, a CEO’s ability to accept and embrace their own vulnerability is a big part of what makes them so successful.

Vulnerability Inspires Trust

In the same way that shared experiences bond people, shared emotions also bond people; and vulnerability is what lays the groundwork for those experiences. A leader that is vulnerable shows his human side, and when employees are able to see him as open & honest, they trust him more, which in turn, improves their performance. The myth is that a leader should always be strong, tough & confident, but the truth is that leaders who can admit their mistakes, be honest with their employees, and remain authentic are the ones who foster trust and yield the best results.

Many CEOs or executives are hesitant to show their vulnerable side; they feel they should always be seen as a person who is in control of everything & has all the answers – and that this is what inspires their employees. Here’s the reality: your employees know you’re not perfect; they know that it’s impossible for one person to have all the answers or to be on top of everything. So, when you project that image of yourself, it’s not an honest image & your employees will know it. People connect with people who they feel can understand them. Showing that you aren’t in control of everything, and that you feel afraid, frustrated or even baffled at times shows your human side clearly, and it is this side that will inspire trust & loyalty towards you as a leader.

Vulnerability + Vision

Combining vulnerability with vision is how you will get the best results. When you express or show your vulnerabilities, it’s important to link them with your vision and also express what you want to achieve, keeping yourself, as well as your team, motivated instead of dispirited.

In Closing

It takes a lot of courage to show that we don’t have every answer or solution & that we need help. It takes courage to show that we feel fear, or are struggling. But in the end, a leader that shows courage instead of invincibility is a leader that truly inspires others to follow.

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