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Listen To Your Customers When They Talk

by BNI India

There comes a time when you need to stop harping about your brand and listen intently. Listen to your customers and give the brand jargons a break. You don’t need to sell all the time, you need to serve too and for that, you have to keep it simple.

Especially when you customer is stuck with a support issue, you have to let go of the technical and help the customer with simple & straightforward communication. They will frame their problem in their own words and so the solution too should be in the language they understand.

Empathy is key to customer satisfaction. Your customers must realise that helping them is very important to you and so you must listen to their problems and solve them in a way where they understand what you are doing to help them. Especially in technical support services, the customers are often tense because of everything sounding alien to them, but you must make sure that they understand the problem & the required solution in a smooth & hassle free way.

This always relaxes and eases the customer who then develops a rapport with you and your brand, and so without you trying selling yourself, you are sold to the customer because of this comfort level. Build trust with your customer service and they stay loyal to your brand.

Simplified content strategy on your online & offline manuals will empower customer self-service and will also establish your brand and your company as a customer friendly one. Customers will develop a positive perception about your products & services.

Businesses may begin & end for different purposes, but, they survive due to humans and humans alone.

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