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Mindfulness-The Key To A Fuller Life

by BNI India

Mindfulness in simple words means awareness. Being in the here & now, being in complete focus & being alert like an animal is very important for an entrepreneur and for that he/she has to learn to relax, clear the head & disengage for a while.

Disengagement will help in full & focussed engagement.

Yoga/meditation: Yoga is a science which brings about the union of body, mind & soul. Meditation is a proven tool for enhancement of attention & concentration. The body & mind attain a much-needed calm before the storm of work hits!

Think & Reflect: In a day, the body is burdened with too many ideas, propositions & thoughts which need to be streamlined so that the implementation of all of them happens smoothly. Take some time out to reflect on what all was discussed & planned. Pick a quiet corner in the office and reflect; you will soon see the same things with a fresh perspective.

Start your day with an Exercise: Don’t begin your day with your emails & cell phones. A fresh morning is heightened with an exercise. Yoga, meditation or a run, take your pick. Exercise not only keeps your body fit but refreshes your mind, induces positivity & engages creative & balanced thinking.

Declutter your office to declutter your mind: An organised desk will allow for organised thinking. Your immediate surroundings will always inform your thought process and give you breathing space to recollect, reflect & recreate. A cluttered desk carries negative vibes & brings about complacency, lethargy & confusion.

A strong presence of mind always enriches one’s contribution to the workplace and also inspires others to follow & adopt living styles or habits that will push them to challenge themselves & travel beyond expectations.  

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