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10 Steps to Grow your LinkedIn Followers

by BNI India
steps to grow LinkedIn followers

Did you know that LinkedIn has 722 million members? With more than 30 million companies using this platform, using LinkedIn strategically can be a great way to connect your reach and visibility.

Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn is a bit more professional than playful. It offers a fantastic opportunity to build credibility and quality connections with like-minded business owners and professionals. If you’d like to utilize this platform better, here are some steps to help increase your LinkedIn followers.

Create a Complete Page

This is where it all starts. To attract visitors and get them to click on the Follow button, you must create a complete company page on LinkedIn.

Engage your Team

Stats say that 30% of the company’s engagement on LinkedIn comes from employees. Your employees are the best people to share news about your business with their network. Ask them to tag your page while sharing, which will boost views and reach.

A Steady Flow of Content

Make sure there is a flow of quality content regularly. It keeps followers engaged and motivated along with keeping your business on their screens and minds.

Use Analytics

With the help of analytics metrics, you can get data about your followers. Use this to tweak your content so you’re targeting the right audience and, in turn, attracting more people who want to see what you’re putting out.

Use More Videos and Images

LinkedIn users are 20 times more likely to re-share a video post. Including more visuals and videos is a great way to get some additional eyeballs on your brand.

Seek Influencers Support

If you have followers who love your brand and wouldn’t mind sharing your posts on their page, it doesn’t hurt to ask. This gives your brand extended reach, increases your visibility, and lends an air of credibility.

Engage in Conversations with Hashtags

Don’t hesitate to enter into topical conversations with relevant hashtags to reach new communities. Fresh, relevant content will help you expand your reach to people who may not typically engage with your profile.

Share Job Postings

Job posts on LinkedIn pages catch the attention of job seekers. Every share is an added exposure to your company and an opportunity to make a difference in another person’s life.

Employees Participation in LinkedIn Groups

Encourage your employees to join LinkedIn groups to stay connected with niche topics that are pertinent to your brand. Engaging in these groups helps to create brand awareness and keeps you in the loop on trending topics in your industry.

Competitor Page Analysis

By learning what your competitors are doing on their LinkedIn pages, you can identify the gaps in your own content strategy and deliver more targeted content. The more engagement you receive the more likely you’ll attract traffic and followers to your page.

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