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The True Mark of Leadership: Adapting to the Changing Times

by BNI India

As dealing with change becomes a regular activity, leading it becomes a skill to hone, an internal capacity to master. – Arnaud Henneville

With countries around the world easing up on restrictions, numerous aspects of everyday life have slowly started adapting to the new normal. Transport, essential services and in some countries even tourist spots are opening up with enhanced safety measures. 

Dealing with the Change

Within the business community also people are looking at opening up with new rules and regulations being put in place. In the midst of all these changes there definitely is a feeling of uncertainty among business leaders and as one of the business leaders you will certainly be feeling the anxiety too.  

While you will definitely be concerned about the well-being of your employees, customers and organisation, there will also be a level of uncertainty regarding the future and the health of your family and friends. It is important to acknowledge this feeling of uncertainty within yourself, just remember that the current situation is not of your making, so don’t be too hard on yourself and take the time to deal with your anxiety. As the quote by Arnaud Henneville says it is a matter of coming to terms with the changing times within yourself and then set about reassuring your employees, customers and other stakeholders.  

The health and safety of family and friends is paramount at this moment, so spend time talking to them. Reassuring yourself on their safety and well being will give you a sense of peace and empower you to deal with the transition.  

Peer Support 

The support of fellow entrepreneurs will also go a long way in easing the transition process. Having a discussion with them on the course of action to be taken will give you a clearer plan of action, in addition discussions with business experts and analysts will also help in making more informed business decisions for the future. 

The Personal Connect 

Once you have a clear idea on how to proceed with implementing changes you will definitely feel more in control of the situation. You can now lead from the front guiding your employees through these unprecedented times. 

Your employees will also be concerned about their future and safety. So it is necessary to allay their fears by reassuring them about their job security while also keeping them informed about the safety measures being put in place in the organisation.

Reassuring customers and other stakeholders is also paramount, so keep the communication lines open and proactively update them on operation related and other details. Open and honest communication in these times will definitely go a long way in strengthening your relationship with employees, customers and other stakeholders.

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